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Talking about selfishness on the radio

November found me sitting behind the mic on a radio show in Dallas, TX. My lovely friend, Stae Hall, of “Running 4 UR LYFE” (Love Yourself First Explicitly – invited me to join her on one of her shows as she explores what it means to really care for yourself.

It’s time to revolutionize the word selfish.

I had SO – MUCH – FUN.

For serious. First of all, I belonged on that mic. I knew it from the second I saw the whole studio setup. I knew it when I sat behind the mic and naturally adjusted it to my liking. I knew it when Stae cued me here and there for comments and responses. I just knew it.

And then…

At one point, when conscious of keeping my mouth close to the windscreen, my lips brushed up against it. Damn. I’m telling you I felt something so profound I cannot quite yet describe it.

I have a bold mission, my friends – to get the planet in a better mood.

I have to speak in order to do this.

I’m ready.