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I Want You To Fall Apart

There is this really great tune by Leonard Cohen. It’s called Anthem. In this tune there is a line that always jumped out at me during those times back in the day when I listened to too much Leonard Cohen. “There is a crack in everything, that’s how the light gets...

Mind Your Own Power

I want to share one of the most transformative realizations I have experienced on my journey through life and how it has helped lock me in place in terms of my power. Mind you, I have always had this power. In fact, everyone has access to this power. Some tap into it....

The Holiday Hall of Mirrors

It is upon us. The season some look forward to all year long. The season some loathe with every fiber of their being. The season some feel an ever-changing intensity of both longing and loathing throughout. Welcome to the Holiday Hall of Mirrors. I wonder, have you...